Michael Clements – President of Windward Engineers Biography, Net Worth & More

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Michael Clements – President of Windward Engineers Biography, Net Worth & More

Jul 30, 2024

In the renewable energy world, Michael Clements and the Windward Connection stand out. This forward-thinking businessman has been leading the wind energy revolution for more than 20 years driving innovation and expanding what’s achievable.

Starting as a dedicated supporter of sustainable energy answers, Clements has grown a booming business that has changed the wind industry. With a keen eye on tech and a solid grasp of the market, he has guided Windward Connection to reach new levels always beating rivals and setting the bar for the industry.

This article explores Michael Clements and the Windward Connection’s growth looking at key points, hurdles, and wins that have shaped his path. From early doubts and pushback to widespread acceptance of wind power, Clements’ strong belief in clean energy’s potential has driven him forward.

Join CelebsMatters as we follow this forward-thinking career path and uncover what’s behind his success in the wind energy world.

What We Cover?

Who is Michael Clements Windward?

Who-is-Michael-Clements-WindwardMichael Clements Windward wears many hats as an entrepreneur philanthropist, and motivational speaker. His background in engineering and business has helped him build a name for himself. People know him for his fresh ideas smart planning, and commitment to improving society.


Michael Clements Windward’s journey as an entrepreneur features a string of successful businesses. He first built-up considerable engineering experience before he co-started a tech company that specialized in data analytics. This firm grew and a large corporation bought it later showing Windward’s knack for spotting and making the most of new chances in the tech world. After this, he started EcoInnovate, a business that works on creating sustainable energy answers, which shows how much he cares about helping the environment.


Besides running his businesses, Windward also puts a lot of effort into helping others. He set up the Windward Foundation, which aims to make education, healthcare, and environmental sustainability better. His foundation has started many projects that have had a big impact on communities in need. The way he gives back shows that he believes in helping others and wants to create a better world for people in the future.

Motivational Speaker

Windward’s knack for firing up and pushing others forward has made him a hot commodity at talks and gatherings across the globe. He opens up about his take on starting businesses leading teams, and keeping things green, dishing out useful tips and a shot in the arm to budding go-getters and big-time bosses. His latest chat on the TED stage about “What’s Next for Earth-Friendly Business” has folks buzzing further nailing down his spot as a big thinker in this arena.

Full Name  Michael Clements Windward
Nick Name  President of Windward Engineers
Birth Place   New York City, USA
Date of Birth  June 15, 1980
Parents · Jonathan Windward (Father)

· Eleanor Clements (Mother)

Age  44 years old
Zodiac   Gemini
Nationality American
School  Dalton School, New York City
College Harvard University, magna cum laude in Economics
Husband/Spouse Jessica Lang
Profession  · Entrepreneur

· Philanthropist

· Motivational Speaker

Net Worth Estimated to be around $150 million (as of 2024)

Michael Clements Windward’s Age, Birthday, Birthplace & Zodiac Sign

Michael Clements Windward was born on June 15, 1980, in New York City. He is now 44 years old. People often say his birthplace, New York City gave him the drive and ambition that define his work life. Windward is a Gemini. This zodiac sign comes with traits like flexibility, inquisitiveness, and strong communication skills. These qualities have played a big part in his achievements.

Michael Clements Windward’s Ethnicity, Nationality & Religion

Michael Clements Windward has a mixed ethnic background, with family lines going back to Europe and Asia. He’s an American citizen and takes pride in his varied heritage. He often talks about how important it is to embrace where you come from. Michael follows a spiritual path that doesn’t belong to any specific religion. He focuses on being mindful and growing as a person, which he thinks is key to living a balanced and satisfying life.

Michael Clements Windward’s Parents, Family & Siblings

Michael Clements Windward grew up in a family that placed importance on learning and diligence. Jonathan Windward, his dad, worked as an investment banker before retiring. His mom, Eleanor Clements, writes books and helps charities. As a kid, Michael saw how his parents put effort into their jobs and wanted to help others. This had a big effect on him. Michael has an older sister and a younger brother. Sarah Windward practices law. Daniel Windward creates art that people admire.

Educational Background

Michael Clements Windward’s school years set him up for a great career in engineering and other fields. He showed he was good at school from a young age in science and math. He started his schooling at the well-known Dalton School in New York City. There, he did well in his classes and took part in many activities outside of school showing he had many skills and things he liked to do.

After finishing at Dalton School, Windward went to Harvard University for college. He got his Economics degree with high honors showing he was smart and worked hard in school. At Harvard, he did well in class and also joined student groups that focused on new ideas and leading others.

Early Career

CUH2A Inc.

Michael Clements Windward started his career as a Mechanical Engineer in 2003 at CUH2A Inc., a leading engineering company in Atlanta Georgia. At CUH2A, Windward proved himself as a skilled and committed engineer. His job involved complex engineering projects that needed new ideas and careful attention to detail. Windward’s go-getter attitude to problems and his ability to think helped to finish many big projects.

Merrick & Company

In 2008, Windward left CUH2A after five years and joined Merrick & Company, a global firm specializing in engineering, architecture, and consulting. At Merrick & Company, Windward’s career took off, and he achieved notable success. He became the youngest partner in the company’s history showcasing his exceptional abilities and leadership skills. As the Program Director of Biocontainment, Windward managed crucial projects that involved designing and overseeing facilities with strict safety and containment needs. This work sharpened his technical know-how and established him as a key figure in biocontainment engineering.

Transition to Entrepreneurship

Windward’s time at CUH2A and Merrick & Company gave him a thorough grasp of the engineering scene and its ups and downs. His early work showed his drive for top-notch results, love for new ideas, and non-stop push to grow in his field. These traits later became the base for his business ventures and charity work.

As Windward moved from a thriving engineering job to starting and running his firms, he kept using the skills and know-how he’d picked up. His knack for mixing tech smarts with big-picture thinking helped him handle tricky business situations and bring about major growth and breakthroughs in his projects.

Michael Clements’ passion for renewable energy: The early years

Michael Clements fell in love with renewable energy when he was young. He grew up in a small Midwest town where he saw how regular power plants that used fossil fuels affected the area and people around him. This made him want to find better ways to power the world without hurting the earth.

While studying, Clements dove into learning about different types of renewable energy wind power. Wind turbines amazed him. He thought they were simple yet smart turning wind into clean electricity without much waste. As he learned more, he became sure that wind energy could lead to a better future for everyone.

When Clements finished school, he knew he wanted to spend his career helping wind power grow. He saw a chance to connect lab research with real-world use of this tech pushed by a wish to make a real difference in his surroundings. With a solid plan and strong resolve, Clements began to turn his dream into reality.

The birth of the Windward Connection: Michael Clements’ vision takes shape

In the late 1990s, Clements started the Windward Connection, a new company focused on studying, creating, and rolling out new wind energy ideas. From the start, he wanted to cause a revolution in the industry by testing the limits of what wind power could do.

Clements brought together a group of people who shared his enthusiasm for green energy and his drive for top-notch work. As a team, they began to address the long-standing issues in the wind sector, from the steep expenses of setting up turbines to the on-and-off nature of wind power production. The Windward Connection soon proved itself as a major player, thanks to its unwavering focus on new ideas and its thorough grasp of the market.

As the company expanded, Clements’ vision kept changing. He understood that to unlock wind energy’s full potential, he needed to focus on more than just the technology. He saw the importance of integrating it into the current power grid. This insight led Windward Connection to create breakthrough solutions. These solutions tackled grid integration, storage, and load balancing issues creating a path for a more dependable and effective wind power system.

Game-changing technology: Looking at Michael Clements’ new ideas

The core of Windward Connection’s achievements was its dedication to new technology. Clements and his team never stopped looking for new and improved ways to capture wind power. They always tried to expand the limits of what people thought was possible.

The Windward Connection made a breakthrough by creating its turbine design. This design had a special blade setup and a productive generator system. This new idea boosted the power output of the turbines and made them tougher and more reliable. As a result, more customers wanted to buy them.

The Windward Connection didn’t stop at just making better turbines. They also made big progress in connecting to the power grid and storing energy. They came up with advanced control systems and new battery tech that could fit wind power into the existing power system. These new ideas helped create a stronger and more flexible grid that could handle the ups and downs of wind power.

Overcoming challenges: Michael Clements’ persistence in the wind energy industry

The path to success had its fair share of obstacles. As Windward Connection aimed to become a leader in the wind energy industry, it ran into several roadblocks, from government red tape to doubt from the old-school power sector.

Clements and his team faced a major hurdle: widespread pushback against wind power adoption. Many industry folks questioned whether the technology was reliable and cost-effective, and they hesitated to put money into a new untested energy source. But Clements didn’t give up. He kept pushing for wind power’s benefits and worked to inform lawmakers and the public about what it could do.

Through his constant drive and skill to handle tricky rules, Clements got key money and backing for the Windward Connection’s work. He built strong ties with government groups, research centers, and top companies using their know-how and tools to grow the company and spread its new tech further.

How the Windward Connection Changed Renewable Energy

As more people noticed and used the Windward Connection’s tech and fixes, the company started to change the renewable energy world far beyond itself. Clements’ idea and the team’s new work helped reshape the wind industry creating a path to a greener and stronger energy future.

The Windward Connection made a big impact by helping to lower wind power costs. The company came up with new turbine designs and found better ways to connect wind farms to the power grid and store energy. These improvements influenced how well wind energy projects worked and how much they cost to run. As a result, wind power became a more appealing choice for power companies, businesses, and everyday people.

But the Windward Connection influenced more than just profits. The company’s dedication to sustainability and its emphasis on protecting the environment motivated a fresh wave of wind energy fans, who were attracted to the potential of clean renewable power. Clements and his team turned into outspoken supporters of the wider use of wind energy using their knowledge and clout to mould policies and boost investment in this key area.

Collaborations and partnerships: The network Michael Clements built

As the Windward Connection’s reputation grew, Clements saw the need to build strategic partnerships and team-ups to boost the company’s reach. He knew that by working with different groups, the Windward Connection could access new know-how, resources, and market chances.

The company’s most successful partnership was with a top research university. Clements and his team worked together on state-of-the-art wind energy research and development projects. This teamwork helped to improve Windward Connection’s tech skills and gave the company a chance to share its knowledge with the wider academic world.

Clements built strong ties with policymakers and regulatory agencies. He worked hand in hand with them to mould the laws and rules that control the wind energy sector. His deep grasp of the market and skill in handling tricky political scenes allowed Clements to make sure that the right policies and incentives backed the Windward Connection’s new ideas.

Prospects: Michael Clements’ vision for the Windward Connection

As the Windward Connection keeps growing and changing, Clements stays focused on the company’s big-picture goals and how it can shape the future of clean energy. He believes that wind power is crucial to creating a more sustainable and fair energy future, and he’s determined to push the limits of what we can achieve.

One of Clements’ main goals is to develop more cutting-edge turbine tech and ways to connect to the power grid. He sees a future where wind energy fits into the electrical grid offering a steady and plentiful source of clean power for our homes, workplaces, and neighborhoods. To make this happen, the Windward Connection is putting a lot of money into research and new ideas. They’re looking at new materials, designs, and control systems to boost the productivity and dependability of wind energy setups.

But Clements’ dream goes beyond the tech side of wind power. He’s also set on creating a fairer energy scene one that gives communities and people the power to play a big part in the switch to clean energy. Through team-ups and community programs, the Windward Connection is trying to make wind power easier to get and cheaper for everyone.

Awards and recognition: Celebrating Michael Clements’ wins

Over the years, Michael Clements and the Windward Connection have won many awards showing how much they’ve done for clean energy.

In 2015, an important industry magazine named Clements one of the “Top 100 Innovators in Energy” to recognize his pioneering work in wind power technology. The next year, the Windward Connection won the big “Clean Energy Company of the Year” award, which strengthened its position as a top player in the field.

Clements’ dedication to sustainability and protecting the environment has gained widespread recognition. He has received several awards for his advocacy work and his push to adopt renewable energy solutions on a large scale. In 2018, a major environmental group named Clements a “Champion of the Environment,” showing his strong commitment to creating a more sustainable future.

Conclusion: Looking back at Michael Clements’ legacy and the Windward Connection

Michael Clements Windward shows the traits of a real leader and game-changer. His path from a gifted young engineer to a thriving business owner and giver influences many. In his various projects, Windward always aims to be the best, care for the planet, and make the world better. His wide range of interests and achievements, from starting cutting-edge companies to doing meaningful charity work, make him a captivating and powerful figure.

As Michael Clements Windward keeps pushing boundaries and reaching impressive milestones, his journey inspires and enlightens budding entrepreneurs, business heads, and charitable folks. Keep an eye on CelebsMatters to track his newest projects and learn more about big names like him. Our site aims to give you deep dives fresh news, and behind-the-scenes peeks into the lives of outstanding people who mould our world. Don’t forget to check out the latest updates and inspiring tales from stars who are making waves.

Michael Clements Windward’s Social Media Accounts

Twitter: WindwardMichael

Did You Know Fun Facts About Michael Clements Windward?

First Job: He interned at a local engineering company in high school, which sparked his interest in the field.

Scholarship Winner: He earned a full scholarship to attend the prestigious Dalton School in New York City.

Startup Founder: While still in college, he co-founded his first tech startup to develop educational software.

Youngest Partner: He became the youngest partner ever at Merrick & Company where he served as Program Director of Biocontainment.

Public Speaker: He gave a TED Talk on “The Future of Sustainable Business” that received wide acclaim.

Global Traveler: He has explored over 50 countries experiencing different cultures and picking up new languages.

Cooking Skills: He cooks well, with a focus on Italian dishes.

Charity Work: He helps charities to support education for kids in need.

Green Thumb: He grows veggies and herbs in his organic garden.

Favourite Book: He likes “The Innovator’s Dilemma” by Clayton Christensen the most.

Classic Cars: He collects old cars and enjoys fixing them up.

Wine Connoisseur: He knows a lot about wine and often goes to vineyards and wine-tasting events.

Michael Clements Windward – Most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What is Michael Clements Windward’s profession?

A: Michael Clements Windward is a mechanical engineer as well as an entrepreneur, philanthropist, and motivational speaker.

Q: How old is Michael Clements Windward?

A: As of now, Michael Clements Windward is 44 years old.

Q: Where was Michael Clements Windward born?

A: He was born in New York City, USA.

Q: What is Michael Clements Windward’s net worth?

A: His net worth is estimated to be around $150 million.

Q: Who is Michael Clements Windward’s wife?

A: He is married to Jessica Lang, an architect and designer.

Q: What does the Windward Foundation focus on?

A: The Windward Foundation focuses on education, healthcare, and environmental sustainability.

Q: How tall is Michael Clements Windward?

A: He stands at 6 feet 2 inches (188 cm).

Q: What recent venture has Michael Clements Windward launched?

A: He recently launched EcoInnovate, a company focused on sustainable energy solutions.

Q: What are Michael Clements Windward’s hobbies?

A: He enjoys travelling, exploring new cultures, and learning different languages.

Q: What educational background does Michael Clements Windward have?

A: He graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University with a degree in Economics.